Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will Provide. Jireh means provide or to see. This is in reference to God providing a sacrifice for Abraham in place of his son Isaac. Jehovah Jireh is our provider.
Did you know that God is jealous for you? Jealous for your love, your attention, your devotion. When we are completely surrender to God we see Him do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all could ask for think.
The word sanctify means to be set apart for a holy purpose. We have been sanctified for God.
This is a reference of God speaking to Moses and telling him to speak to the children of Israel and remind them that the sabbath day is holy and shall be kept for as a sign between me and you throughout all generations.
Sabaoth means “Armies” or “Host of Angels.” Daily we are protected and surrounded by heavenly beings. The Lord of Host. Even now through this fast you are surrounded by God‘s love and grace.
God knows the beginning from the end, He is the God of knowledge. By His foreknowledge He directs and guilds our daily steps. Nothing is hid. Nothing is concealed. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He is El Deah.
This name is in reference to God‘s promise to save Judah and Israel. He is the Lord our Righteousness. There is no goodness nor righteousness in humanity apart from Gods grace and salvation.
This is a reference to Ezekiel giving a revelation of the completion of the temple. Ezekiel reminds the people that The Lord Is There. Jehovah Shammah is always there. Even when you feel alone, even when your prayers are delayed, Jehovah Shammah is there.
This is a very endearing and tender name. When Jesus was in the garden praying to His Father before He went to the cross He cried out to His Father. His Abba.